Friday, May 20, 2011

Long Time No Online..!!

Assalamualaikum and hye to everyone...

its been awhile since my last entry...sorry for making all of you wait (if there is) emoticon i wish to share internet line is quite slow at the moment...since im in a "holiday" mood from online to be honest...gonna feel what it is like when you are away from online, laptop, cellphones...any kind of technology...yet i only managed to hold for like 5 days..well, that good even my target is one week...hopefully later on i may able to reach one week...haha...

during these past absent from technology community...i was at first felt so uncomfortable...well, since im an internet user for like, this helps gets me a bit crazy...and of course to learn more about my outside environment...i think i wanna do this for another week without technology next month perhaps...

hm..ok, i think i stop here for awhile...seems i dont have much speed in internet connection and i may be back online for a couple of days perhaps...haha...oh, not to mention my post this time is quite plain without emoticons...

anyways, hopes to blog off soon...XD

^^ Stays Positive ^^
^^ -N@zReeN- ^^

1 comment:

ciK LyndaWawa said...

kmk pun dah jarang onine aie.....=(