Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Semester, New Beginning..!!

Assalamualaikum & Good Day All..!!Onion IconsMSN Onion Emoticon

this week is the new beginning for me... Onion Iconsi changed my faculty, i changed my programs, i changed on how i dress, i changed on how i greeted people, i changed on how i point at things or people, i changed on my perspective towards people...MSN Onion Emoticonsyeah, mostly, i changed a lot...heheOnion Icons

ah, new faculty with new environment... Onion Iconsat first it is quite difficult for me to understand on what im learning throughout the classes since its different from normal science studies...MSN Onion Emoticonand yeah, its social studies...MSN Onion Emoticonbut after a while im begin to think that the subject thought are quite easy compared to normal science since its mostly based on how you think compared to science that based on facts...Onion Iconthere is a little part of facts however, yet still its seems easy to understand all of it...(fingers crossed)MSN Onion Icon hope i can cope with all the subjects and assignments and exams...Onion Icon

arranging my timetable is my current problems here...MSN Onion Emoticonseems that most of my classes clashed with others...Onion Iconsi managed to arranged it 80% and i realized that there are no classes for wednesday and friday...wohoo..!! Onion Iconno classes today, so making plan to get to the undergraduate studies office and faculty office to finished up arrangements of my timetable...MSN Onion Emoticon Set

well, i guess this is it for this time..no more ideas to write...haha...!! Onion Iconoh well, as i said, new semester, new beginning...MSN Onion Emoticonsand i can feel the changes happen in my current life, feelings, emotions, and personality...i pray for the best...Onion IconsOnion Emoticons

^^ Positive Always ^^
^^ -N@zReeN- ^^


Hirdayu Rahmat said...


boleh munye !!

Mohd Nazrin said...

haha...u too...:)

@EzrlG said...

good for you, keep it up !

Mohd Nazrin said...

EzrlG: tnx..u too..keep on goin..!!

ciK LyndaWawa said...

good luck bro...=]

Anonymous said...

thinks the best 4 urslf okey...

~sume ari saya tak free =,="

Mohd Nazrin said...

ciK LyndaWawa : tnx sis...n u too...in further life..(:

Mohd Nazrin said...

Ana Jannah: ok2...maaflh klo ianya berbntuk pentingkn diri...